There’s a secret to winning an Oscar for film editing: when in doubt, cut to Julie Andrews,”

William Reynolds, 1966, acceptance speech for ‘sound of music’

Hi! My name is Darby Taylor and I’m a freelance Set Production Assistant based out of Charlotte, NC. My on-set experience ranges from unscripted television and corporate advertising, to music videos and live broadcasting. I’m enthusiastic, reliable, and eager to learn as I begin to pursue my career in post-production, specifically as a Post-PA and eventual Assistant and Lead Editor.

I’m Avid Media Composer Certified (User & Professionally), and I have experience using Adobe Premiere Pro, Davinci Resolve, Final Cut Pro, Autodesk Maya, and Adobe After Effects. My passion for editing stems from making the high school announcements on iMovie, where I first understood the concepts of pacing, motion graphics, and VFX (if you consider iMovie green screening ‘VFX’..). I’m mainly self-taught, with Premiere being my go-to NLE, but I’m excited to continue learning about post-production within the entertainment industry, the differences between un/scripted editing, how to be an efficient Post-PA and AE, and how to hone my editing style. My ultimate career goals are to join MPEG Local 700 and American Cinema Editors!